Hidden or non-disclosed assets are common in a divorce. Be sure nothing is left on the table by conducting an Asset Search at the start of the process.

An Asset Search is an excellent pre-discovery tool in assisting a spouse or their attorney in locating hidden or non-disclosed assets in a divorce or other support proceeding. Our mission is to assist divorce attorneys, divorce mediators, and divorcing couples in verifying assets or in locating unreported or hidden assets, and identifying entities, corporate or otherwise, that may be holding assets on behalf of your subject such as corporations, partnerships or trusts.
A divorce Asset Search is a comprehensive, nationwide tool to assist you in properly framing your discovery requests and subpoenas so that the opposing party is more forthcoming and revealing with their responses. A proper Asset Search gives you the tools you need to ensure that a subject’s financial statement can be verified properly and no money is left on the table for you or your client.
Conducting an Asset Search early in the divorce process is a must. Order your search today by clicking on the search buttons to your right or simply contact us by phone
(800) 290-1012 or email at
info@assetsearchesplus.com. Our attorneys can help you determine what type of search is best suited for your case and interpret the results on your behalf if needed.